
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

My NASA colouring

 This is my NASA colouring that I made using Google arts and culture. This year in my class we have learnt about that we can't live on other planets.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Adolf Hitler and his wife

 It was 1937 on Easter island Adolf Hitler and his wife were subdividing in the clear water.Then suddenly he saw something spiral in the water . But it was under a statue that looked liked a person.Then Adolf Hitler went down he gave the statue a shove then that is when he saw it an old chest full of emeralds.

And soon his wife went down to see what he had found.After he gave it a tug then he saw himself wearing a pair of hand cuffs.Then a shadow of a boat a paired the men on the boat pulled him out of the water and that is when he knew it that he had been catcher. The boat went into shore then he was chocked into the boot of their van.

His wife yelled out 'leave him alone' as she swam as fast as she could.But it was to late the van had already drove off. Mean while the van had arrived at a building then Adolf Hitler read the sigh on the front of the blinding it read jail.The men took him into the building and chucked him into a cell.

His wife was sitting alone in their hotel room she was thinking abat what she could do to save her hasbeen. She totr of an idear then she jumped into their car to find him. Then she saw the van out side a bulinding then she snuk in and blue up th hole bluilding  and she and Adof hitler exeapt and drove back to the hotel and sat down.

Alex Rider

 It was another day for MI6  because Alex Rider was on his way to north korea .He had been traveling for 6hours then he finally arrived. 

When he got off the plane he had a deep breath of the fresh air. Then an old Mercedes pulled up into a car park to pick him up. He was on his way to meeting with Kim Jon un to be his new bodyguard. The meeting was held in his private base where he was making the nuclear bombs. When Alex walked into the building he saw heaps of dead military people. After the meeting Kim Jon uns said that he will start at 9:00am tomorrow starting by picking him up and taking him to his base.


It was 7:00 in the morning Alex had just woken up. He got into a 3 piece  suit that was a dark blue color.At 8:59am he arrived at kim jong un's house to pick him up. They arrived at base Alex  sat down and had a chat about their lives.Then an old man in his 50s came and sat down then kim jong un said that this guy was his partner for making the nuclear bombs. Then they said that the first country to get nuclear bombs will be New Zealand.

The next day Alex did the same routine as yesterday.Today kim jong uns was going to tell Alex how the nuclear bombs are made. Now Alex these are the ingredients to making my nuclear bombs.These are the ingetingrediants for making my nuclear bombs. First you add brun grass,dead people, and then the posion.So Alex now you know how my nuclear bombs are made.

Then the day finally came that Kim jon un was sending out his first nuclear bomb.Alex had reported back to MI6 that New Zealand was going to be the first country to be nuclear bombed.Then out of nowhere MI6 aprant with all of its force.Than kim jong un yelled out to his army to attack. Then it was like a mini war. While the people were fighting Alex curled under some people then he reached a wall he used one of his hand warmers to melt a hole in the wall the hole was not as big as Alex expected so he had to squeeze  himself through  the hole and it was tight.  

When Alex reached the other side of the wall there it was the biggest thing that Alex had seen in his life.It was the nuclear bomb that he was going to blow up New Zealand with.It was red and blue. Alex knew what he had to  he had to smash through  the glass window on the side of the bomb so he grab one of his hand warmer and it burn though the glass and he had to grab the poison and snick out of the room mean  while in the other room MI6 had to get out Kim Jon UN army when they saw Alex their faces lit up with happiness.

It had been two days since Alex had come back to the UK. He was sitting in Mr Blunt's office when Mrs Jones came in. Then Mr Blunt said this well done boy you did what we wanted you to do.  

Friday, November 26, 2021



Thursday, November 25, 2021

Tuesday, November 23, 2021



Monday, November 22, 2021

What makes a good friend


This is my what makes a good friend presentation that I made on Canva.

Friday, November 19, 2021



Wednesday, November 17, 2021



Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Pixel Art


                                                                This is my pixel art burger that I made for CRT.


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Dental Hygiene

                                 This is my Dental Hygiene poster.

Friday, November 5, 2021


Zara had 30 apples she gave her friend JT 1/3 of her apples. How many apples does she have left over?

Thursday, October 28, 2021


 Zara had 70 apples she eats 3/4 of them then she gives JT 1/4 of the apples that she has left so how many apples does Zara have left over?

Thursday, October 21, 2021


 JT had 120 apples on the way home he dropped 20% of them a little boy gave him 10% of his apples. How many apples does JT have when he gets home?

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

My maths problem

 Zara has 20 apples she eats 1/3 of her apples. How many apples does she have left over?

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

My Space Settlement slide show


This in my Space Settlement slide show it is where we planed to make our space settlement.

Six sentence story

 Once upon time their was a brave young sailor.He lived in an old light house on the edge of South Africa.He was famous for being the only person to sail in all the oceans in the world five times.One day when he was sailing in the Pacific ocean he heard the flash of lightning and the waves were getting giant.He felt scared,worried and a bit sad.Then a helicopter flew over him the pilot yelled 'Get in!' he dropped the ladder and he was in the helicopter and they made it to safe land in time. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

My Dad

 My dads name is Eddie he works at Cust school. When he runs marathons he always is covered in sweat and smells.His hair is the colour of damp dirt. He can run like the wind. Did you know that he wears the same shirt to work everyday the shirt is black and blue. He is 1.76m tall. Did you know that the most he has ever ran is 42km.   

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

My marble roll

 This morning for CRT I made a marble roll. My buddies were Jt and Zara.We had to make a marble roll the marble roll hand to be at least 3 m. We had 1 m of tape,5 pieces  of news paper and two pieces of paper. Our Mable rolled over 3 m. We would make it bigger next time. Have you ever made a marble roll before?

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Split Enz poster

This is a poster of one of my favourite bands...Split Enz!

My favourite Split Enz song is "Six Months in a Leaky Boat"

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


 Last Friday I went to Tekapo.

The trip to the ski field was bumpy. We did not put the chains on at the sign. We were about two kilometres away from the ski field. Then all of a sudden the tyres of the car lost grip. So mum moved the car slowly to the rocky side of the mountain and started to put on the chains.

When we got to the ski field we went to the toilets and then to the ticket booth. Then we went to get the gear that we hired. In the hire place we had to try on ski boots and helmets.

Then we had our lesson at 10:30 am. After that we just did some skiing by our self's. Then me and Geordie went on our sled. It was an awesome day. 

Thursday, August 19, 2021


Toby has 40 apples he want's to give his friends Jakob, JT and Zara 10 apples each if Toby gave them 10 apples each. How many apples will Toby have left over? 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Zara has four apples she wants to share them with her friends Evie,JT and Maeve if she shares them with her friends how many apples will Zara have left. 

Monday, August 9, 2021


 Evie has got 15 Lego bricks and she wants to give her friends Zara and JT 5 Lego bricks. How mean Lego bricks will Evie have left?

Wednesday, August 4, 2021


 Zara has 3 apples and she wants to give her friends JT and Evie. If Zara gives them 1 each  how mean will Zara have left.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The tower challenge

 Today me Evie,JT and Zara made a tower out of straws. We had to make our tower with 20 straws. After we built our tower we had to see who built the tallest tower and we one our tower was 1m 16cm  tall.  


Thursday, July 8, 2021

New Zealand history

 These were some big moments in NZ history. Like the Treaty of Waitangi,Early Polynesians Navigates discovered NZ and Early Europeans sailing to NZ by ship.

New Zealand was discovered between 1270-1300 by the Early Polynesians. Early Polynesians used the sun,stars,moon and sea currents to navigate. They started to explore around 1500 BC. When they got to NZ they tried to plant coconut nut tree and other pacific plants but they did not grow because NZ was too cold. They first landed in the north island.

The Treaty of Waitangi was an agreement between the Maori chiefs and the British Empire. Hone Heke was the first Maori chief to sign the Treaty. Over 500 Maori chiefs sign the Treaty of Waitangi. There were two virgins of the Treaty in the British virgin it said that the British would take away Maori peoples sovereignty but in the Maori virgin it said that they could keep their sovereignty.

The Early Europeans sailed to NZ in the 1850s and 1860s. Early Europeans came to NZ for two main reasons to farm and for the Otago gold rush. When they arrived in NZ they had to make their way across the dirty,muddy and slippery way across the Bridle path.  Girls did the inside jobs like doing the washing. Boys did outdoor jobs like going hunting and fishing.

These were some big moments in New Zealand. 




Thursday, July 1, 2021


 Zara,JT and Evie they all have four pens. How mean pens in there all together?

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


Zara and JT both have five pens in there bag but Evie  said that she had six pens in her bag. How mean more pens does Evie have then Zara and JT?

Friday, June 25, 2021

Why school is finishing at 1:00

 The resort that school is finishing at 1:00 because there are people move away from Christchurch   is the Japanese started to dig trenches  the NZ army is getting ready for the booming. The japan air force is all ready. If we leave school at 1:00 we will just have the time to move away from this really bad war.      

Thursday, June 24, 2021


 Zara has had 1425 phone calls so far this year  but her friend JT  has had 5463 phone calls so far this year. How mean more phone calls does JT than Zara?

My interview with hone heke


Tuesday, June 22, 2021


Zara,JT,Geordie,Ryder,Noah and Maeve all have got four dollar each.How much money is there all together?

Thursday, June 17, 2021

My maths problem

 Zara has 10 phone calls a day and her friend JT has 1500 phone calls a day. How mean more phone calls does JT have then Zara a day?

Friday, June 11, 2021

The first people that came to New Zealand

This is my story of how the first people came to New Zealand.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Maths word problem

 Zara has 3452 Lego cars she wants to give her friend Evie 645 Lego cars. Now how mean cars does she have now? 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Early settler life

 This is my early settler video that I made with my friend JT. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

If I cound be famous for any thing I would choose to

If I could be famous for any thing I would choose to be a hockey player because I am really good at playing hockey and the best thing I am good at in hockey is getting goals. I love playing hockey and if I was famous I would show all my skills to kids. When I am famous at playing hockey I would try and join the black stick so people can see me on tv.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Maths word problem

 Zara had 56 pens she wants to give her friend JT  28 of her pens now how mean pens does she have now? 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

New Zealand immigration poster

 I made this poster because we had to make an old immigration poster. Immigration means people how come to NZ and stay in NZ

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Maths word problem

 JT has 3546 Lego bricks he gives his friend Zara 1547.  Now how mean  Lego bricks doe JT have now?

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Maths word problem

 Zara has 24 pens she wants to give her friend JT 12 of her pens. How mean pens does Zara have now?

My winter sport graft


Can you see the group that has the the votes.

So what winter sport do you like the best?

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Maths word problem

 Zara has 10 pet she gave JT 5 pet she gave him 3 cats,1 dog and 1 horse. Now how mean pet does she have?

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Wash your hands.

 It is important to wash your hands because it kills all the bugs on your hands. Drying your hands is just as important as washing them because if you do not dry them you will get more bugs on your hands.

My belonging slides


I learnt what things belong to me and things that I connect to.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Why do pandas poo so much?

 Did you know that pandas poo 100 times a day  There poo is most lee just bamboo that makes it green. What do you know about pandas poo?   

Friday, March 5, 2021

Maeve pepeha

I have learnt my river and mt cook in Maori.  

Tuesday, February 16, 2021